Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Blog Post #4

In The Right Way to Ask Questions in the Classroom, the goal of the question is very important. We must all understand that teachers do not know everything and they make mistakes. When asking questions we must think of what we want the class to learn from the questions asked. We also have to understand that even though a student may think he or she understands the material he or she may not and they just don’t know it yet. If we want all of the students to participate we should have a system that calls each students name to answer a question per day. If not, when asking questions we must pause for a moment while we wait for the students to think of the answer.

In Asking Questions to Improve Learning, it gives you general strategies for asking questions. We need to keep in mind that we ask questions for students to improve their critical thinking skills. We can do this by following a yes or no question with an additional question. As teachers, we also need to make sure the question has a clear specific answer. Questions should also be planned in a class session. The reading states that the student answering the question shouldn’t be interrupted when answering which I think is perfectly true. If a student is interrupted he or she will be less likely to answer another question in class.

In Three Better Ways to Ask Questions in the Classroom, it also states that teachers should prepare the questions to ask. I find this very effective so the teacher can decide if the question is open ended or a yes or no question. This also can help decide if the question is effective to he learner. This site also says like the others before that the teacher should leave the question unanswered for some time so the children can think about their responses.

In Asking Better Questions in the Classroom , Joanne says that college professors expect feedback from students in the classroom. She gives examples of close ended and open ended questions. She talks about how important open ended questions are. She says they encourage feedback and leaves the respondent to provide more information and think more deeply. I agree with this and I have professors that do both in every class I attend. Thinking deeply gets the brain going and it gets the brain in habit of continuing to think deeper.

In Questioning Styles and Strategies, the teacher gives many techniques. Personal Writing and Queuing being one of them. He asks the children many different questions about the book. He also asks the students to give their responses that they recorded. I like this technique because he gives the students time to think and put their thoughts on paper. I also like the fact that the teacher put all of the different types of questions into one setting in the classroom. I think this technique was very effective. The responses that the students give should also be analyzed and explained in further detail.

In Teach Students to Ask Their Own Questions, it encourages teachers to get students to start asking their own questions as well as building off of their peers questions. The site gives you different tabs that can help such as Practice, Development, Teacher Participation, and Why Questions Matters. After reading the responses from real teachers about questions, it gives all teachers room for improvement. After reading these tips and thinking differently about the questioning system used in the classroom, I have learned a lot about asking questions and receiving questions from a teachers aspect.

In Open Ended Questions, Andi gives different ways to change close-ended questions into open-ended questions. She gives examples of different ways to change these by using “Explain in detail”, “Generate a list of (blank)”, and “For what reasons?”. She also gives the listener her contact info and encourages the viewer to contact her for professional help. I think this was inviting because we haven’t been to a source yet that does this for the viewer. Although this video was short, it was very helpful in ways of changing questions.

Questions Are Important


  1. Wonderful blog post this week! I loved all of your working links and the picture :)

  2. You obviously read all of the material! I love how detailed you were. I also agree that you should never interrupt the student because it may cause them to fear speaking out.
